The Knowledge Zone School

Children’s Education

Our school ministry is dedicated to the vision of setting free the brick kiln children with a free education, to create a stimulating learning environment in which our students can thrive and be challenged. We aim to give hope to these children of a fair chance in life, a life that most take for granted, and take them away from the modern day slavery entrapment of the brick kilns.

Some are orphans, but all cannot even afford the travelling expenses required to attend a government state school. We provide a good diverse educational program starting from Pre-School age upwards to grade 10. Our learning environment is inspiring, challenging, and aims to develop good rounded citizens in Pakistan. We strive to educate the poor children of the brick kiln communities out of their slavish existence to enable them to live normal lives and prosper.

We promote mutual respect and the sharing of ideas and expect students to become successful members of society. We have delight in taking hopeful young Christians and provide them with an excellent understanding in Maths, English, Bible theology and Urdu.

We strive to have 100% graduation rate enabling our students to gain a good start in their adult life. Our school started in 2013 with 50-70 students and has now grown, in 2022 to around 120 but unfortunately, the lack of space limits our intake. The school council oversees us and ensures accountability is achieved. We also involve parents in decision making on how we operate. We are looking to buy more land for expansion and to create a school faculty.


Adult Education

There is no shortage of illiterate adults in Pakistan who have no hope of an education and no hope of getting a well paid job.

We started adult literacy classes in 2017, with 20 women and 15 men attending. As well as reading and writing, we taught sewing for the women and mathematics for the men, more importantly, all were given Bible studies, and some have gone on to teach the Word of God for charities. Unfortunately, due to a lack of money, we had to close this part of the school down in 2020, but funds permitting, we hope to restart and reach more illiterate and uneducated local workers.

Brick kiln workers work 6 1/2 days a week, usually finishing between 7pm – 8pm and therefore struggle to spare the time to attend classes, so it is our hope to buy transport to reach these people remotely.

School Staff

Founder & Chairman