Notes from Patras

It is the love of God that moves us to do all that we do. 1 John 3:18 tells us not only to tell about the love of God but to demonstrate it. Love is an action and God’s love for the poor and enslaved is motivating us to help free enslaved people and to help the poor any way we can. It is also God’s love that sets them free spiritually and emotionally. God’s love for us motivated us to show that love for others. This is our statement of faith and why we do what we do.

Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Chairman’s Testimony
(How it all began)

I, Evangelist Patras Boota, was born on 3rd June 1993, on a brick kiln site in Lahore Punjab Pakistan.

I started the Uriah Welfare Organization to help people get an education and to free them from modern slavery in Pakistan, as I believe biblical education is an important liberator for everyone.

My father worked at a brick kiln factory and was brought up to believe in Christianity and our Heavenly Father. He was a common man who worked in kiln factories for 40 years. He taught me about Christianity and its importance, through stories, which I found to be a great method of teaching. I have accepted all the doctrines of the Bible and the Word of God.

My parents’ wish was for me to read the Bible and lead the Lord’s service among my family, teaching them about salvation and eternal life. I grew up in an Islamic community but enjoyed attending Sunday School, Youth Group, Sunday worship as well as open-air crusades.

The condition of Christian communities in Pakistan, depressed and dismayed me. When I was a child I saw other children going to school each day and wondered why I couldn’t get an education. I went home and in my room, knelt in front of God and cried loudly, asking ‘Heavenly Father, why can I not get an education?’. Then I promised God that if I got an education, I would share my testimony with others, preach and help other children like me to go from Zero to Hero.

The very next day a person came to our house and said to my father, ‘Hello I am Samuel Gill, I am a teacher and I visit families for children who want to read and write but can’t afford schooling’. My father permitted me to go to Samuel Gill’s Lord Public School, to study. I got an education rapidly by doing two years in one. I passed all exams of Grade 9th and Grade 10th from the Lahore Board of education, in 2010.

So, according to God’s plan, I did Gospel and Social Work in the Christian community of Khaliq Nagar in Lahore, and surrounding areas of the Punjab in Pakistan.

On 8th February 2010, God gave me a platform to do evangelism, and I ventured out to complete this crystal clear vision He gave me. He gave me a wonderful volunteer team and I set up a ministry with the name “Uriah Welfare Organization” and the words from 1 John 3:18 – My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and truth.

I continued my studies and gained a scholarship to The Forman Christian College in Lahore. I passed the college medical in 2012 and began teaching at the Community Education Centre for Girls High School that year, and opened an evening school academy in my area, giving free education to the enslaved, poor, vulnerable and miserable children of the brick kiln community. I gained two years experience teaching at the High School and after graduation, I left because the pay was too low.

In 2013 I started teaching, mornings only, at St. George School as well as at my own evening academy, The Knowledge Zone School, for the local brick kiln families. I taught more than 90% of the vulnerable families there and their children. They become helpless and hopeless because of poverty and the lack of education and skills. Some of them had lost their mothers or fathers, and some, both parents. I saw a lot of children who wanted to get an education in order to make changes in their lives, but they were unable to have the opportunity.

I fully opened the Knowledge Zone School on 8th August 2013, and hired two part time female teachers, Sonia and Zareen, for mornings from 8 am to 12 pm, so I could continue to work at my new job at Joy High School, whilst providing home evening tuition, to earn more money to help pay the staff salaries.

I started work on the spiritual lives of the Christians in my area, that was so dismaying. The Holy Spirit gave me a passion to make a change and do something for their spiritual, educational and financial growth, and saving the souls for Heaven in this Muslim country.

I spontaneously called God to push me very hard to become a good servant of God. I knelt and spent days in prayer, to know the will of God for me. The Spirit of God told me ‘You have evangelism in your area to do, so take up your yoke. I have an enormous purpose for you so remember your childhood promise to me, and you will become a servant of God’.

I shared this personal experience with my friends and relatives. Some of them laughed at me and asked if I was crazy. Being a highly qualified person, I could get a good salary and a position anywhere whilst still doing charity work. My parents were happy and advised me to listen and obey the will of God. I thought I was appointed by him, so I brought His Word to light through the preaching He entrusted to me by the Command of God, our Saviour.

While studying, I used to go out to preach the Gospel to the people in the rural brick kilns and outreach areas. I used to organise prayer events at my school, Youth Camps, and have Sunday School competitions for the children.

I Iost my job at the Joy school in March 2020 due to covid-19 and now work full time at the Knowledge Zone school as the Chief Executive Officer and teacher as well as doing full time evangelism.

That was my past, look what Jesus has turned me into today? A follower of Jesus who kept His promise to me, and I work for him now, which was my promise to Him as a child. God has blessed me a lot via the Holy Spirit and his servants. His promise to me is for me to be a blessing to others. This became my thinking and my commitment to God. Amen. 

Uriah’s Friends

Dan  USA
Karen  UK
Karen UK
Ian UK
Ian UK

Dildar Masih Family

Brick Kiln Freed Family

Dear brothers and sisters, God frees the captives. His heart is full of love. Recently we were by His grace able to free an 80 year old man and his family from the brick kiln. Dildar Masih and his family have now been moved into a new house and have a chance to build new lives. Praise God for well wishers who follow his plans hallelujah

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