The Church of Redeemer

We believe in the holly inspired teachings of God as the supreme authority from the HolyTrinity. The scripture of the Holy Bible is the ultimate and infallible Word of God that has been preserved for us to follow in its entirety. We believe in the three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit Godhead that continues to speak to us today and that our faith is not based on religion but a unconditional non-religious love from God.

Our church was born from the hunger of the people of the brick kiln communities to know more about the one true God and to learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Weekly, our 1 full time and 2 part time pastors feed them spirtually and now we have around 100 new born again converts who are experiencing new lives. They have come to understand that if they cannot be free from their monetry debt bondage from the brick kiln owners, they can be free from their sin bondage through the blood of the lamb who paid for their sin debt, by paying the ultimate price on the cross.

We may not be able always to physically free these families from their financial debt bondage, but we can guarantee to free them from their spiritual debt bondage of sin through Jesus Christ, who set them free from the grasp of death. 

Distribution of Bibles