Freed Families

Sahil Yousaf

Sahil Yousaf is a 12 year old Christian boy working at a brick kiln factory. He was able to attend school, reading up to sixth Grade, despite having to work with his parents in the factory, trying to pay off their debt to the brick kiln owner.

The brick factory in Lahore allows him to attand school 4 hours a day, before working for a further 8 hours making bricks along side his father Yousaf Masih, his mother Shameem Bibi, older sister Nadia and younger brother Sam.

Sahil’s family are in bonded labour and are enslaved by generational debt that will tie them down for many years. The whole family walk up to 5 miles to the factory from home every day, to work in temperatures of between 42C and 47C plus putting their health at risk. Sahil’s father is suffering from a thorax problem caused by bad catarrh, and his mother is also suffering from bad lung. Despite their bad health, they fight on bravely because they are unable to afford the treatment they so badly need, but the brick kiln owner will not let them go free untill their debt is paid and won’t even help them buy their medication. 

Thanks to your prayers and donations we are able to release the entire family from their burden and a start a new life, realising their hopes and aspirations for the future.