2023 Graduates

Four Children born into the brick kiln community are saved from doom and perpetual cycle of debt, by having their freedom secured as they graduate from our https://uriahwelfareorganization.org/the-knowledge-zone-school/ , having completed their schooling.
Francis Hayat 14, Neha Arif 14, Nadir Arif 14 and Sahil Yousaf 15 passed their examinations that gains them entrance to higher education and a chance to realise their dreams.
Their achievement almost guarantees them a higher-than-average paid releasing them and ensures they will not be subject to poverty or a life cycle of modern-day slavery through debt.
In this area of Pakistan, non-Muslim children are not educated to a particular high standard, if at all in most cases, and usually end up scraping a living among the lower echelons of society.
The Knowledge Zone School has given these four heroes a golden opportunity to escape the entrapment of the brick kiln, that trapped previous generations before them, where they were expected to work in for the rest of their lives.
Patras Boota, who himself used education to escape the persecution of a brick kiln factory, has always believed that education is the best and most secure way of helping children avoid this depressing and manipulative lifestyle. He used prayer to achieve his goals of escape and to rescue the other vulnerable children like him.
Uriah Welfare Organization is fully committed to making sure the children of the local brick kiln community receive a free donor supported education, to lift them away from the cycle of poverty suffered by many previous generations that just goes on and on, and thanks to further donated support and prayer, we can send Francis, Neha, Nadir and Sahil on to higher education where they can pursue their hopes of secured employment and a better life, that will prevent them from falling into debt slavery and do more than just surviving.

We would like to thank all donors who have contributed for their graduation and bright future.

Francis Hayat
Neha Arif
Nadir Arif
Sahil Yousaf